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Wednesday, August 19, 2009


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2.Nature of Pranic Healing

PRANIC HEALING is based on the overall structure of the human body.
The physical body is actually composed of two parts: the visible physical body, and the unseen or invisible energy body called the bioplasmic body.
The visible physical body is that part of the human body that we see, touch, and are most acquainted with. The bioplasmic body is that invisible luminous energy body which interpenetrates the visible physical body and extends beyond it by four or five inches. Traditionally, clairvoyants call this energy body the etheric body or etheric double.
Pranic healing is an ancient science and art of healing that utilizes prana or ki or vital energy to heal the whole physical body. See figure

Pranic healing involves the transference of vital energy (ki or prana)
to the patient.
It also involves the manipulation of ki and bioplasmic matter of die patient's body. It has also been invariably called psychic healing, magnetic healing, faith healing, ki healing, vitalic healing, and the laying
on of hands.


Prana or ki is that vital energy or life force which keeps the body alive and healthy. In Greek, it is called pneuma, in Polynesian, rnana, The healer projects prana or vital energy or the breath of life to the patient; thereby, healing the patient. It is through this process that so called miraculous healing is accomplished.
Basically, there are three major sources of prana: solar prana, air prana, and ground prana. Solar prana is prana from sunlight. It invigorates the whole body and promotes good health. Solar prana can be obtained by exposure to sunlight or sunbathing and by drinking water that has been exposed to sunlight. Prolonged exposure or too much solar prana will harm the whole physical body since it is quite potent.
Prana contained in the air is called air prana or air vitality globule. Air prana is absorbed by the lungs through breathing and is also absorbed directly by the energy centers of the bioplasmic body. These energy centers are called chakras. More air prana can be absorbed by deep slow rhythmic breathing than by short shallow breathing. It can also be absorbed through the pores of the skin by people who have undergone certain training.
Prana contained in the ground is called ground prana or ground vitality globule. This is absorbed through the soles of the feet. This is done automatically and unconsciously. Walking barefooted increases the amount of ground prana absorbed by the body. One can learn to consciously draw in more ground prana to increase vitality, capacity to do more work, and ability to think more clearly.
Water absorbs prana from sunlight, air and the ground. Plants and trees absorb prana from sunlight, air, water, and ground. People and animals obtain prana from sunlight, air, ground, water, and food (fresh food contains more prana than preserved food).
Prana can also be projected to another person for healing. People with a lot of excess prana tend to make those around them feel better and livelier. However, people who are depleted tend to unconsciously absorb prana from others. This is why you may have encountered people who
tend to make you feel tired or drained for no apparent reason.
Certain trees (such as pine trees or old and gigantic healthy trees) exude a lot of excess prana. Tired or sick people benefit much by lying down or resting underneath these trees. Better results can be obtained by verbally requesting the being of the tree to help the sick person get well.
Anyone can learn to consciously absorb prana from these trees through the palms, so that the body would tingle and become numb due to the tremendous amount of prana absorbed. This skill can be acquired after only a few sessions of practice.
Certain areas or places tend to have more prana than others. Some of these highly energized areas tend to become healing centers.
During bad weather conditions, many people get sick, not only because of the changes in temperature, but also because of the decrease in solar and air prana (vital energy). Thus, a lot of people feel mentally and physically sluggish or become susceptible to infectious diseases. This can be counteracted by consciously absorbing prana or ki from the air and the ground. It is clairvoyantly observed that there is more prana during daytime than at night. Prana drops to a very low level at about three or four in the morning.

Clairvoyants, with the use of their psychic faculties, have observed that every person is surrounded and interpenetrated by a luminous energy body called the bioplasmic body. Just like the visible physical body, it has a head, two eyes, two arms, etc. In other words, the bioplasmic body looks like the visible physical body. This is why clairvoyants call it the etheric double or etheric body.
The word bioplasmic comes from bio which means life and plasma which is the fourth state of matter, the first three being solid, liquid, and gas. Plasma is ionized gas or gas with positive and negative charged particles.
This is not the same as blood plasma. Bioplasmic body means a living energy body made up of invisible subtle matter or etheric matter.
Science, with the use of kirlian photography, has rediscovered the bioplasmic body. With the aid of kirlian photography, scientists have been able to study, observe, and take pictures of small bioplasmic articles like bioplasmic fingers, leaves, etc. It is through the bioplasmic body that prana or vital energy is absorbed and distributed throughout the whole physical body.


Just as the visible physical body has blood vessels through which the blood flows, the bioplasmic body has fine invisible bioplasmic channels or meridians through which ki and bioplasmic matter flow to be distributed all over the body. There are several major bioplasmic channels and thousands of minor ones. In yoga, they call these the major and minor nadis. Through these channels flow prana or ki that nourishes and invigorates the whole body


Acupuncture is an ancient Chinese form of medicine which uses needles to manipulate the vital energy within the patient's body; thereby, curing the patient's ailment. This is accomplished by using needles to redistribute excess prana or ki in the patient's body to the afflicted part. Congested prana in the diseased part is redistributed to other parts of the body.
Blocked meridians or bioplasmic channels are cleansed or opened by directing ki to the blocked meridian.
In acupressure or in reflexology, the principle is the same as in acupuncture, except that the healer intentionally or unintentionally uses his or her own excess prana. This excess prana is directed toward the acupressure point which then goes to the meridian or bioplasmic channel and then to the afflicted part. Some acupuncturists use and direct their own ki or vital energy to the needle in order to reach the diseased part. This is done especially with patients who are very weak or depleted. I have met acupuncturists and acupressurists who are also masters of Tai Chi. They
are proficient in transferring ki to their patients.


1) It can help parents bring down the temperature of their children suffering from high fever in just a few hours and heal it in a day or two in most cases.

2) It can relieve headaches, gas pains, toothaches, and muscle pains almost immediately in most cases.

3) Cough and cold can usually be cured in a day or two. Loose bowel movements can be healed in a few hours in most cases.

4) Major illnesses, such as eye, liver, kidney, and heart problems can be relieved in a few sessions and healed in a few months in many cases.

5) It increases the rate of healing by three times or more than the normal rate of healing.
All of these assume that the healer has attained a certain degree of proficiency. Any healthy person with average intelligence, an average ability to concentrate, an open but discriminating mind, and a certain degree of persistence can learn pranic healing in a relatively short period. Pranic healing is easier than learning piano or painting. It is as easy as learning to drive. Its basic principles and techniques can be learned in a few sessions. Like driving, to achieve a certain degree of proficiency requires much practice and time.

A time will come when science will make tremendous advances, not
because of better instruments for discovering and measuring things,
but because a few people will have at their command great spiritual
powers, which at the present are seldom used. Within a few centuries,
the art of spiritual healing will be increasingly developed and universally

—Gustaf Stromberg
Man, Mind, and the Universe

Click Here For "Introduction to Pranic Healing"
Click Here For "AURA BODY"
Click Here For "Nature of Pranic Healing"
Click Here For “Chakras”
Click Here to Learn Pranic Healing
Click here for Level One:Elementary Pranic Healing