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Monday, August 31, 2009


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We will study four levels of pranic healing, moving from simple to more complicated concepts, and from easy to difficult techniques. As you study the material make sure you are comfortable with the first level before moving to the next.

Level One: Elementary Pranic Healing'. At this level, the concepts and techniques are easy to learn. Tactile concentration is required. It takes about three to five sessions to learn the basic principles and techniques and to be able to do simple pranic healing. About one to two months of
regular practice and application are necessary to become proficient.

Level Two: Intermediate Pranic Healing: This level is still easy. Pranic breathing is used at this level. The major chakras are explained fully. Visual concentration is still not required. It takes about three to five sessions to learn the basic principles and techniques to be able to start healing more difficult cases. To become proficient, it takes about two months of regular practice and application.

Level Three: Distant Pranic Healing: This level involves a gradual development of one's psychic faculty. It may take at least several months to several years of regular practice and application to become very accurate in diagnosis and to produce specific accurate predetermined results.

Level Four: Advanced Pranic Healing: Visualization is definitely required. A more thorough knowledge of the nature of disease and the properties of the different types of prana is required.


There are several books you should read to help you with your study: The Etheric Double by A. E. Powell. (The Theosophical Publishing House, Quest Books. Wheaton, IL, 1969.) Essentially, this book is a treatise on the etheric body and etheric phenomena. Its contents are largely based on the writings of Madame Blavatsky, C. W. Leadbeater, and Annie Besant.
These highly developed clairvoyants conducted clairvoyant researches andexperiments. They recorded their observations and conclusions in theirwritings from 1897-1923.
The following is a summation of main points relevant to the studyof pranic healing that are discussed in this book:
1) The whole physical body is actually composed of two bodies: thevisible physical body and the invisible etheric body which is made up of finer substances called etheric matter. This etheric body corresponds to what is now called the bioplasmic body.
2) The etheric body is the vehicle of prana or ki.
3) The etheric body has many nadis or etheric channels through which prana or ki flows. These etheric channels are the equivalent of the meridians or bioplasmic channels.
4) The etheric body is the mold or pattern of the visible physical body.
5) The etheric body has several chakras or etheric whirling centers which absorb, digest, and distribute prana and is responsible for the proper functioning of the whole body.
6) Some chakras are psychic faculty centers or the sites of our psychic faculties.
7) Prana can be obtained from sunlight, air, and trees.
8) The visible physical body and its etheric body are so closely interrelated that what affects one also affects the other. Healing is brought about by removing the diseased etheric matter from the patient's etheric body and by transferring or projecting prana from the healer's etheric body to that of the patient's etheric body.
9) A strong health aura acts as a protective shield against germs and infection.
10) People whose limbs have been amputated sometimes complain that they still feel the limb in place. The reason for this is that the etheric counterpart or the etheric mold is still intact. It should be noted that the existence of the etheric body and other important points mentioned in the preceding items were later verified or rediscovered by Russian scientists. Students should also read Psychic DiscoveriesBehind the Iron Curtain by Sheila Ostrander and Lynn Schroeder
(Englewood Cliffs N.J.: Prentice Hall, 1970. Bantam edition 1971). This book describes the extensive scientific investigations on psychic phenomena being conducted in the Soviet Union. Many of the findings merely reconfirm what has been known by esoteric students since the ancient times. All references are made to the Bantam edition. The following is a summation of points students should consider:
1) In 1939, Semyon Davidovich Kirlian and his wife developed kirlian photography based on a high frequency electric field which is used to take pictures of a portion of the invisible energy body or the bioplasmic body (Chap. 16, pp. 202-206).
2) Based on the studies of the Kirlians, it has been observed that disease first manifests on the bioplasmic body before it appears on the visible physical body (Chap. 16, pp. 207-210).
3) At the highly respected Kirov State University in Alma-Ata, a group of biologists, biochemists and biophysicists declared that the bioplasmic body is not merely some sort of plasma-like constellation of ionized, excited electrons, protons and possibly some other particle, but is a whole unified organism in itself which acts as a unit that gives off its own electromagnetic fields (Chap. 17, p. 217).
4) Emotions, states of mind, and thoughts affect the bioplasmic body (Chap. 16, p. 209).
5) Based on the findings of the State University of Kazakhstan, the energy body has a specific organizing pattern that determines the form of the organism. For instance, Dr. Alexander Studitsky at the Institute of Animal Morphology in Moscow minced up muscle tissue and packed it into a wound in a rat's body. An entirely new muscle was grown. From this they concluded that there is some sort of organizing pattern (Chap.17, p. 218).
6) If a person loses a finger or an arm, he or she still retains the bioplasmic finger or arm so that sometimes he or she feels that it is still there (Chap.17, p. 216).
7) Dr. Mikhail Kuzmich Gaikin, a Leningrad scientist, confirmed the existence of bioplasmic channels and centers that correspond to the meridians and the acupuncture points described in the ancient Chinese medicine (Chap. 18, pp. 226-229). With the aid of the tobiscope, he accurately
pinpointed the location of the acupuncture points. Later, a young physicist, Victor Adamenko, invented an improved version of the tobiscope and called it the CCAP—Conductivity of the Channels of Acupuncture Points which not only locates acupuncture points but also numerically
graphs reactions and changes in the bioplasmic body (Chap. 18, p. 232).
8) The acupuncture points correspond to the bright spots in the bioplasmic body (Chap. 18, p. 226).
9) The Russians also seriously considered the possibility of stimulating certain points in the bioplasmic body to activate latent psychic abilities (Chap. 18, pp. 231-233).
10) Researches done on Russian psychic healers indicate that psychic healing involves a transfer of energy from the bioplasmic body of the healer to the bioplasmic body of his patient (Chap. 18, p. 224).
The Chakras by C. W. Leadbeater (The Theosophical Publishing House, Adyar, Madras, 1927) is another book that deals with the different types of prana once air prana has been digested by the chakras. It also discusses the negative effects of alcohol, drugs, and tobacco on the etheric body. It contains ten colored illustrations of the chakras based on the clairvoyant observations of Mr. Leadbeater. Theories of the Chakras: Bridge to Higher Consciousness by Hiroshi Motoyama (The Theosophical Publishing House, Wheaton, IL, 1981) contains a discussion of the scientific experiments and personal experience of Dr. Hiroshi Motoyama on the chakras. It also gives instructions on how to activate the chakras. The Chinese acupuncture meridians are compared with the Indian nadis. This book is quite interesting and very informative.
You should also read Esoteric Healing by Alice Bailey (Lucis Publishing Company. NY, 1953) and The Aura by W. J. Kilner, 1911. This book was published by Samuel Weiser, Inc. (York Beach, ME, 1976) but it is now out of print. You may be able to find a copy in a second hand bookshop.
Click Here For “Introduction to Pranic Healing”
Click Here For "AURA BODY"
Click Here For "Nature of Pranic Healing"
Click Here For “Chakras”
Click here for Level One:Elementary Pranic Healing