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Wednesday, August 19, 2009


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THE BIOPLASMIC BODY interpenetrates the visible physical body and extends beyond it by four to five inches. This invisible luminous energy field which follows the contour of the visible physical body is called the inner aura. (See'figure A ) In The Human Aura, Kilner writes:

The idea of a human aura, a radiating luminous cloud surrounding the body, is an ancient one. Sacred images from the early Egypt, India, Greece, and Rome used this convention before it became so popular in Christian art, and before the aura was considered an attribute of ordinary everyday mortals. . . . For centuries it has been believed that clairvoyant people could actually see an aura surrounding ordinary individuals, and this aura differed from person to person in color and character, expressing the health, emotional and spiritual attributes of the subject. The visionary Swedenborg wrote in his Spiritual Diary: There is a spiritual sphere surrounding everyone as well as a natural and corporeal one.

2W. J. Kilner, The Human Aura (York Beach, ME: Samuel Weiser, 1976).

PRANIC HEALING is based on the overall structure of the human body.
The physical body is actually composed of two parts: the visible physical body, and the unseen or invisible energy body called the bioplasmic body.
The visible physical body is that part of the human body that we see, touch, and are most acquainted with. The bioplasmic body is that invisible luminous energy body which interpenetrates the visible physical body and extends beyond it by four or five inches.

Auras of the Bioplasmic Body

The outer and inner auras are shown in (A); the health aura and its health rays are shown in (B).
When the bioplasmic body becomes sick, it may be caused partially by general or localized depletion of prana in the bioplasmic body. This is called pranic depletion. The inner aura of the affected part is reduced to about two inches or less. For example, persons with nearsightedness usually have pranic depletion around the eye areas. The inner aura around the eye area may be smaller than two inches. However, there are cases in which an eye may suffer pranic depletion and congestion simultaneously. The more severe the sickness, the smaller is the affected inner aura. I have seen cases in which the affected inner aura had been reduced to half an inch or less. You can learn to feel the inner auras with your palms in two to four sessions by following the instructions .
Feeling the auras is called scanning.

Sickness may also be caused by prolonged excess prana in localized areas. This is called pranic congestion. The affected areas may protrude to about seven inches or more. In more severe cases, the affected inner aura may protrude to two-and-a-half feet or more. For instance, a person suffering from heart enlargement has pranic congestion around the heart, left shoulder, and upper left arm. The affected areas may protrude to about one foot in thickness.
In pranic depletion and congestion, the surrounding fine meridians or bioplasmic channels are partially or severely blocked. This means prana cannot flow freely in and out around the affected area. Clairvoyantly, these affected areas are seen as light to dark gray in color. If the affected areas are inflamed, then they appear as muddy red; with some cancer cases, they appear as muddy yellow; with appendicitis, as muddy green; and with some cases of ear problems, as muddy orange.
The bioplasmic rays project perpendicularly from the surface of the physical body. These rays are called health rays and they interpenetrate the inner aura. The sum of these health rays is called the health aura. (See figure ) The health aura follows the contour of the visible physical body

Drooping and entangled health rays of a sick person

and functions as a protective force field that shields the whole body from germs and diseased bioplasmic matter in the surroundings. Toxins, wastes, germs, and diseased bioplasmic matter are expelled by the health rays predominantly through the pores. If a person is weakened, the health rays droop and are partially entangled. (See above figure.)
Then the whole body becomes susceptible to infection. The capacity of the health rays to expel toxins, wastes, germs, and diseased bioplasmic matter is also greatly diminished. Healing is facilitated by strengthening and disentangling the health rays.
Beyond the health aura is another luminous energy field called the outer aura. (See above figure A.) It interpenetrates the inner and health auras and usually extends about three feet away from the visible physical body.
It is usually multicolored and shaped like an inverted egg. Its colors are influenced by the physical, emotional, and mental states of the person.
Clairvoyantly, it is observed that some sick people have holes in their outer auras through which prana leaks out. Therefore, the outer aura can be considered as a force field which contains or prevents the leaking out of pranic energy. In a sense, it acts as a container or bottle for the subtle


Both the bioplasmic body and the visible physical body are so closely related that what affects one affects the other and vice versa. For instance, if the bioplasmic throat is weakened then it may manifest on the visible physical body as a cough, cold, sore throat, tonsilitis or other throat related
problems. Should a person accidentally slash his or her skin, there is a corresponding pranic leak in the area where there is bleeding. Initially, the affected area where there is a cut or sprain would become temporarily brighter due to pranic leak but would inevitably become grayish due to pranic depletion. If any part of the bioplasmic body is weakened due to either pranic congestion or depletion, the visible physical counterpartwould either malfunction or become susceptible to infection. For example, a depleted solar plexus and liver may manifest as jaundice or hepatitis.
From these examples, it becomes quite clear that the bioplasmic body and the visible physical body affect each other. By healing the bioplasmic body, the visible physical body gets healed in the process. By regularly cleansing and energizing with prana, nearsighted eyes gradually improve
and heal. A person with heart enlargement can be relieved in one or two sessions by simply decongesting the affected heart, shoulder, and upper left arm areas. Complete cure would take at least several months. By decongesting and energizing the head area, headaches can be removed in
a few minutes.
Through clairvoyant observation, disease can be seen in the bioplasmic body even before it manifests itself on the visible physical body. Nonclairvoyants may scan or feel that the inner aura of the affected part is either smaller or bigger than usual. For instance, before a person suffers from colds and cough, the bioplasmic throat and lungs are pranically depleted and can be clairvoyantly observed as grayish. These areas, when scanned, can be felt as hollows in the inner aura. A person who is about to suffer from jaundice can be clairvoyantly observed as having grayishness over the solar plexus and the liver areas. Physical tests or diagnosis will show the patient as normal or healthy. Unless the patient is treated, the disease will inevitably manifest on the visible physical body.
For example, I had a patient who was a habitual drinker. Based on scanning, his solar plexus chakra (energy center) was depleted, a part of the liver was depleted and a part of the liver was congested. I told the patient that he had a liver problem and that it should be treated as soon as possible. The patient had a blood test and the medical finding showed that his liver was all right. As a result, he was hesitant to be treated. After several months, the patient suffered severe pain in the liver area and the medical finding showed that he had hepatitis. The disease must be treated before it manifests on the visible physical body. The emphasis is on prevention.
It is a lot easier and faster to heal the disease when it is still in the bioplasmic body and has not yet manifested on the visible physical body. Manifestation of the disease can also be prevented by taking proper medication. In cases where the disease has manifested, healing should be applied as early as possible. The earlier pranic healing is applied, the faster is the rate of healing. Healing becomes more difficult if the disease has fully developed since it takes more time and more pranic energy. It is important that the disease must be treated as early as possible to ensure speedy recovery.

How to Interpret Your Aura Colors?

If you would like to know about aura colors and their meaning, you are in the right place.

The colors reveal a person's character and also the emotional, mental, spiritual and physiological truths.

Maybe you are surrounded by bright blue, pastel orange or dark brown? But what do the aura colors mean?

Interested to find out?

Aura Colors Interpretation

Blue Composed, relaxed, maternal, attentive, communication, tranquil, caring, mournful and separation
Brown Unspiritual, unsettled, anxiety, nervous, and distracted by issues related to the past
Gray Depressed, pessimistic, negative, and pent up frustration
Green Intelligent, direct, a natural healer, quick thinker, close to nature, frustration, losses, a doer.
Orange Creative, inspiring, compassionate, source of inspiration, manipulative nature
Purple/Violet Protected and dominated by pure and radiant love, spiritual, telepathy, victimization
Pink Spiritual, intuitive, psychic abilities, protection from abuse, indecisive
Red Physical, materialistic, passionate, easily excited, an emphasis on the body, and intense emotion, power
Sulfur Color Discomfort, pain, irritation, and festering anger
Turquoise Full of energy, a natural leader, and organized
White Innocence, purity, and spirituality; or serious illness or altered state due to artificial substances.
Yellow Joyful, playful, and blissful, immunity and protection, impatient fear.

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Clich Here For “Nature Of Pranic Healing”
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