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Wednesday, July 29, 2009


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Meditation is a mental discipline by which one attempts to get beyond the reflexive, "thinking" mind into a deeper state of relaxation or awareness. Meditation often involves turning attention to a single point of reference. It is a component of many religions, and has been practiced since antiquity. It is also practiced outside religious traditions. Different meditative disciplines encompass a wide range of spiritual or psychophysical practices that may emphasize different goals—from achievement of a higher state of consciousness, to greater focus, creativity or self-awareness, or simply a more relaxed and peaceful frame of mind.

Sufi/Islamic Meditation
The relationship and attitude toward God is spelt out in the word 'Islâm' ... it has embodied within it, the complete technique of the highest form of worship as well as everyday living! Qur'ânic passages are self-explanatory in pointing out the way of worship by total effacement of the self in surrender and submission; to the exclusion of every other interest or entity; not only in prayer but in every aspect of life.

Sûrah al Baqarâh 2:19-20.
Lo! The religion before Allâh is surrender (Islâm)... if they surrender, then will they truly be rightly guided in prayer.

Sûrah 23: 77
O, Ye who believe, completely efface your selves in self-surrender when worshiping your Lord, and do good that happily you may prosper.

This excerpt is from the hadith about Islâm, Îmân & Ihsân:
'...Then Jibraîl (as) asked: Tell me about Ihsân (goodness/beauty). The Prophet Muhammad (saw) answered: 'It is that you worship Allah as if you see Him, and even though you do not see Him, you know that He sees you....'

This practice of visualization and being in the Presence of Allâh, in a meditative state as you offer your Salât, is a powerful experience to keep one's full awareness in prayer.

Meditation is soothing for the mind and soul. It is a good way to get in tune with oneself. While in Mecca Prophet Muhammad (saw) used to go to Mount Hira and sit in the cave where he pondered and meditated.

There are different ways to meditate, and you can try each one to see which suits you the best or alternate each one.

The best known and most widely practiced example of meditation is prayer.

Many people benefit from reading the Qur'ân silently or aloud, and taking a few moments to quietly reflect on the meaning that the words bring to mind. You may want to write your reflections in a journal.

In this type of meditation you focus your attention on Allâh, weaving feelings of love and gratitude into your thoughts. You can also close your eyes and in your mind's eye gaze at the Asma al Husna as if written in air. You can choose a different one each day.
Feel as if you are sitting in the Presence of Allâh, as if He is in front of you, you can feel His awesomeness, His grandeur, His grace and His love. Imagine He is watching you, you will want to hide from yourself as you become aware of how short we fall in our dedication and effacement in surrender, how full we are of our self and how little we think of Him as we go through our everyday living. (This does not imply imagining an image but focus on the awareness of His presence)


There are two concepts or schools of meditation in Islam. One is that which is described in the Qur’ân and Sunnah, another is that which has been developed by the Sufis in later times (that is, after the first phase, considered the ideal phase of Islam).

The original concept of meditation is based on contemplation, called 'tafakkur' in the Qur’ân. That is, reflection upon the universe to gain food for thought. To put it differently, this is a form of intellectual development that emanates from a higher level, i.e. from God.

This intellectual process through the receiving of divine inspiration awakens and liberates the human mind, permitting man’s inner personality to develop and grow so that he may lead his life on a spiritual plane far above the mundane level.

The second form of meditation, the one developed by the Sufis, is largely based on mystical exercises. However, this method is controversial among Muslim scholars. One group of Ulama, Al-Ghazâlî, for instance, have accepted it, another group of Ulama, Ibn-Taimia, for instance, have rejected it as an innovation.
Maulana Wahiduddin Khan
Does Islam Permit Meditation?

A Muslim need not go to any Ashram for meditation if he knows how to perform Salât. Salât is a meditation of the highest order but most Muslims have forgotten it. They read Namâz or recite Namâz or even offer Namâz but they do not meditate in it though it is a pre-requisite. A Salât does not even start without the state of meditation. The Prophet (Pbuh) instructed a person in Salât to meditate upon the presence of God who is watching the devotee. A state of trance is reached when he really meditates upon it. Then comes the voice of The Word of God from the lips of the Imam. If he really started Salât with a state of meditation, the voice of the Imam seems to be coming from a spiritual source. The words of the Qur’ân (if he knows Arabic) work as suggestions in a trance and he gradually starts believing in the orders and teaching of those words. There are repetitions of Allâh u Akbar and the Tasbihât of Ruku' and Sajda etc. They all work wonders in a state of trance. They are autosuggestions. An individual Salât (Sunnah and Nafl) is based completely on autosuggestions where there is no outside voice but his own recitation works as autosuggestion. Remember what Qur’ân said about Zikr (Remembrance and not merely chanting)? "Beware! In remembrance of Allah do hearts find peace" (13:28) Salât, while offered properly and associated with meditation of Allah's presence and His watchfulness is the remembrance of the highest order and must provide peace. Qur’ân proclaims: "Recite what is sent of the Book by inspiration to thee and establish Regular Salât: for Salât restrains from shameful and unjust deeds; and remembrance of Allah is the greatest (thing in life) without doubt. And Allah knows the (deeds) that ye do." (29:45)
Qur’ân announces that Salât will prevent you from shameful and unjust deeds. Please note that it is not said that a person offering Salât should restrain himself from committing shameful acts and unjust deeds. Salât will restrain the devotee from evil. On the other hand we observe people involved in shameful acts and unjust deeds though they may be regular Namazis for years! The claim of Qur’ân cannot be false. They in fact did not offer Salât in the prescribed manner. It is high time that camps of teaching Salât with meditation be organised. Alas all our books of Salât procedures, Salât taught to the children by elders in their homes and even Salât taught by Mullahs in Madrasah is comprised of recitation and postures only. There is no meditation and hence it is neither providing peace of mind nor restraining from unjust deeds.

We can understand "Dhikr" simply as the repetition of particular names of "ALLAH" or as the recitation of some prayers.

In the second sense, "Dhikr" refers to remembering, mentioning and meditating.

In a superior dimension "Dhikr" is known as persisting, dwelling on a subject to the point of its full comprehension and meditating on it.


17:79 During the night, you shall meditate for extra credit, that your Lord may raise you to an honorable rank.

50:40 During the night you shall meditate on his name and after prostrating.

39:9 Is it not better to be one of those who meditate in the night, prostrating and staying up, being aware of the Hereafter, and seeking the mercy of their Lord? Say, "Are those who know equal to those who do not know?" Only those who possess intelligence will take heed.

20:130 Therefore, be patient in the face of their utterances, and praise and glorify your Lord before sunrise and before sunset. And during the night glorify Him, as well as at both ends of the day, that you may be happy.

25:64 In the privacy of the night they meditate on their Lord, and fall prostrate.

73:1-8 O you cloaked one. Meditate during the night, except rarely. Half of it or a little less. Or a little more. And read the Quran from Cover to Cover. We will give you a heavy message. The meditation at night is more effective, and more righteous. You have a lot of time during the day for other matters. You shall commemorate the name of your Lord, to come ever closer and closer to Him.

73:20 Your Lord knows that you meditate during two thirds of the night, or half of it, or one third of it, and so do some of those who believed with you. God has designed the night and the day, and He knows that you cannot always do this. He has pardoned you. Instead you shall read what you can of the Quran. He knows that some may be ill, others may be traveling in pursuit of Gods provisions, and others may be striving in the cause of God. You shall read what you can of it and observe the contact prayers (Salat), give the obligatory charity (Zakat), and led God a loan of righteousness. Whatever good you send ahead on behalf of your souls, you will find it at God far better and generously rewarded. And implore God for forgiveness. God is Forgiver, Most Merciful.

17:111 .....You shall magnify Him constantly


7:180 To God belongs the most beautiful names; call upon Him therewith. ......

17:110 Say, "Call Him God, or call Him the Most Gracious; whichever name you use, to Him belongs the best names." .......


1:1 Most Gracious, Most Merciful
1:2 Lord of the Universe
1:4 Master of the Day of Judgment
2:115 Possessor of all power
2:245 One who provides and withholds
2:255 The Living
2:256 The Hearer
2:257 The Lord of those who believe
2:272 The only One who guides
3:54 The Best Schemer
3:68 The Lord and Master of the believers
3:199 The Most Efficient in Reckoning
4:6 The Reckoner
4:45 The Best Supporter
4:70 The Best Knower
4:149 The Pardoner
5:54 The Bounteous
6:62 The Ultimate Judge
6:62 The Most Accurate Reckoner
6:103 The Compassionate
6:133 The Possessor of All Mercy
6:147 Possesses Infinite Grace
6:149 Possesses the Most Powerful Argument
6:165 Efficient in Enforcing Retribution
7:54 The Most Exalted
9:118 The Redeemer
11:73 The Glorious
12:64 The Protector
12:80 The Best Judge
13:33 The One Who controls every single soul
14:47 The Avenger
14:48 The One
14:48 The Supreme
20:73 The Everlasting
22:58 The Best Provider
22:59 The Omniscient
22:59 The Clement
22:60 The Forgiving
22:61 The Seer
22:62 The Most High
22:62 The Truth
22:63 The Sublime
22:64 Most Praised
22:64 The Rich
22:65 The Most Kind
22:74 The Powerful
22:78 The Lord
23:14 The Most Blessed
23:!4 The Best Creator
23:29 The Best Deliverer
23:86 The Lord of the Seven Universes
23:86 The Lord of the great Dominion
23:116 The Most Honorable Lord
23:116 The Possessor of All Authority
24:10 The Redeemer
24:41 Fully Aware of everything they do
25:58 The One Who is Alive
25:58 The One Who Never Dies
25:58 Fully Cognizant of His creatures sins
25:62 The One Who designed the night and the day to alternate
28:68 The Most Exalted
31:27 The Most Wise
31:30 The Most Great
33:17 The Master
34:26 The Judge
34:50 The Near
35:1 Initiator of the heavens and the earth
35:15 Most Praiseworthy
38:9 The Grantor
40:3 The Forgiver
40:3 The Acceptor of repentance
40:3 Strict in enforcing retribution
40:15 Possessor of the Highest Ranks
40:15 The Ruler of the Whole Dominion
40:22 The Mighty
42:23 The Appreciative
42:31 The Helper
51:58 The Possessor of All Power
52:28 The Most Kind
53:49 The Lord of the Galaxies
55:2 The Teacher of the Quran
55:3 The Creator of the human being
55:27 The Possessor of Majesty
55:27 The Possessor of Honor
55:78 The Possessor of Majesty and Honor
56:74 The Great
57:3 The Alpha
57:3 The Omega
57:3 The Outermost
57:3 The Innermost
57:29 The Possessor of Infinite Grace
59:23 The Most Faithful
59:23 The Peace
59:23 The Most Dignified
59:24 The Creator
59:24 The Initiator
59:24 The Designer
62:1 The Most Sacred
62:8 The Knower of All Secrets and Declarations
67:14 Most Cognizant
70:3 The Possessor of the Highest Height
72:26 The Knower of the Future
73:9 Lord of the East and the West
74:56 Source of righteousness
74:56 Source of Forgiveness
78:37 Lord of the Heavens and the earth and everything between them
81:20 Possessor of the Throne
85:15 Possessor of the Glorious Throne
85:16 Doer of whatever He wills
89:14 Ever Watchful
112:2 The Absolute God
113:1 Lord of the Daybreak
114:1 The Lord of the people
114:2 The King of the people
114:3 The god of the people

Yoga Meditation

"All the various Yoga meditation approaches - and there are many - strive to transcend the ego-personality and realize a higher reality, to lift the individual out of ordinary perceptions and relationship to the world," writes Georg Feuerstein in the Shambhala Guide to Yoga. He goes on: "Happiness is our essential nature and material life is inherently limited. The goal of Yoga meditation is to realize our essential nature by conscously uniting with it." The book describes all the various branches of Yoga that you will find in Yoga centers today, including Jnana-Yoga, Karma-Yoga, Bhakti-Yoga, Mantra-Yoga, Raja-Yoga, and Hatha-Yoga, and provides resources for finding them.

Yoga meditation is the same in all of the branches, according to Feuerstein. He gives this instruction:
• Withdraw to a quiet, harmonious place where you can focus inward without distraction or interruption.
• Focus the mind on an object of concentration such as the body itself, the breath, an image, or a sound.
• Practice regularly. Whatever prop is used to focus attention, it must be employed repeatedly to serve it's purpose. It must become a habit.
• Be consistent. It is useful to meditate regularly and at roughly the same time each day.

"Because it is such a rich, variegated tradition, Yoga holds appeal for a wide range of people with many different temperaments and aptitudes."

The word 'Yoga' means 'to unite'. It is a state of being in which the practitioner experiences a cellular connection with the Universe, the Source, or God. And Yoga is also a moral code. Practicing Yoga means paying attention to your whole life.
Lasater's book offers instructions about both the internal 'Yoga within yourself' and the external concerns of relationship and community. Each of the 21 chapters in her book has a guided Yoga meditation practice.

In his book, Yoga for Dummies, Georg Feuerstein helps beginners find a suitable Yoga niche based on their physical condition and personal goals. He gives tips about finding a class, preparing to start practicing Yoga, and establishing a daily practice schedule. He writes: "Whether you are a busy mother and homemaker or a top executive, the mental tranquility you produce through regular Yoga meditation exercises can transform your entire day. If your meditation is successful, you will discover your shadow side and have insights into your character that may prompt some changes. Don't be surprised if you meditation is calm one day and turbulent the next. Graciously accept whatever happens in your meditation and don't hesitate to exercise your sense of humor."

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