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Wednesday, September 30, 2009


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HYPNOTISM is the production of a psychical condition in which the faculty of receiving impressions by suggestion and the power to act upon and carry out the suggestions is greatly increased.

The less the mind is occupied with ideas, the more easily can thoughts be directed into any givcn channel. If nothing holds our attention, the nervous system, for want of that gentle stimulation which is necessary to it, falls into a state of semi-activity inseparable from want of tone in the nervous system, and a form of sleep is produced.
The purpose of "fixing" the patient's attention on a certain bright point, as, for example, the bright light of the author's hypnoscope (see illustration) [None was provided - DM], at a strained angle of one foot in front of, and one foot above, the eye level, is used in order to strain the accommodation of the eyes and tire the sight. The effect of the strain is to cause dilatation of the pupils and resultant dimness of vision.
The feeling of heaviness in the eyelids results from the fatigue of keeping them open in a strained position. The assertion, by suggestive words in a monotonous tone, that the eyes are becoming tired and the sight dim, is therefore founded on physiological data. The eyes being tired, the natural impulse is to close them, and this act calls up a previous association of ideas connected with confused sight or fatigue.
That association points to sleep, towards which the patient is rapidly led, aided by the monotonous tones of the hypnotist-physician suggesting it to him, and by his mind being free from all disturbing thoughts, and his nerves being free from all external stimuli. The patient falls asleep, in fact, much in the same manner as one does when reading a dull book. The sleep may be (i) light, (ii) deep, (iii) or that of the state of somnambulism. The light and deep sleep closely resemble ordinary sleep, but the somnambulism is different and resembles mesmerism.
If an ordinary sleeper is spoken to, he is usually aroused by the stimulating effect of the sound conveyed to the brain, through the auditory nerves, but in the somnambulic state, he can be spoken to without being disturbed, and, on the contrary, the effect is actually soothing. Whereas in natural sleep the patient is en
rapport (in touch with) only his own consciousness, in somnambulism he is, in fact, in touch with (en rapport) the outer world. In the somnambulic state all the senses are more or less inactive, and in abeyance until called into play by the hypnotist. Whereas normal sleep is the result of fatigue and habit, and during this state the body is closed for repairs; as soon as all these repairs are done, the normal
healthy person wakes up with renewed energy. The hypnotic state may be brought about at any time of the day, and long before any perceptible inroad has been made on the store of nerve energy laid up during previous natural sleep. It follows that during this artificially produced sleep which is the hypnotic state, there may be great accumulation of an excess of energy, all of which can be concentrated and
directed into any channels the hypnotist-physician desires.
The concentrated and directed nerve force must naturally affect the system more powerfully than any ordinary sensory nervous impression; and this explains the sensation of warmth usually experienced in any part to which the attention has been drawn - the rapid production of congestion to a given part; and it also may explain the success of this treatment in some cases of paralysis of many years standing. In this state suggestions have all the force of commands, and the patient will strain every nerve to obey them, as they are received as true, and the idea tends to be realised and to be carried into execution as actions.
When the patient is told to move a paralysed limb, or to speak after months of aphonia (loss of voice), it will be noticed that he puts extreme intense effort into the attempt to comply with the hypnotist's suggestions or dictation (a better term); the hypnotist is the dictator and the commander.
We are all familiar with the stammerer under hypnosis making such an effort that he then speaks fluently; and the deaf person who will hear a whisper. The force of the suggestion does not, in fact, depend on the depth of the sleep, as all that is necessary is a state of increased receptivity of ideas suggested by the hypnotist, and, at the same time, an ignoring of all other sensory impressions, which is
accomplished even in the lighter states of hypnotism.
While it is true that only about half the population can be hypnotised to the somnambulic state, when they can be made to act and relate a dream, or scene dictated by the hypnotist, and in which state very accurate post-hypnotic suggestion can be made to bear fruit at the appointed time, threequarters of the
population can be hypnotised into a deep sleep, and practically everybody into the first stage of light "sleep": in this first degree many will deny having even been hypnotised, as they are conscious of movements in the outside world, but suggestions will frequently act as powerfully. To show the critic that he is hypnotised in such a light state, first tell him that he will find it impossible to open his eyes, and to his surprise he will find that he is not able to do so until commanded to open them.
The one criterion as to whether hypnotic suggestion will bring forth good results, can be determined at the beginning by passing the hypnotist's hand over the seat of pain (or by rubbing the epigastrium, and stating that he feels it getting warmer and warmer), when the patient will be conscious of a glow of reflex warmth (in fact this can often be registered by a thermometer); this is an all important point.
It must not be forgotten that crime can be committed by a few people in the hypnotic state: I was able to demonstrate this at a famous oriental murder trial in a British High Court of Justice a few years ago. My friend, Dr. Leopold Thoma of Vienna University, who is over in this country now, also demonstrated this
force before President Altmann in the Vienna Criminal Court, and I have shown the photographs taken of this case in a lecture-room at South Kensington.
Farez, of Paris, and I have found that natural sleep can frequently be changed into hypnotic sleep by making a few passes over the sleeper (stroking the forehead lightly and hardly touching it, or stroking the limbs in a like manner downwards), and whispering softly, telling him not to wake up. This method succeeds extremely well in the aged, in the psychoses, psycho-neuroses, neuroses and in children. Farez gave the name suggestion somnique to this form of hypnotism.
A most ingenious method of hypnosis is by the use of gramophone records made specially for this purpose under my special supervision. My friend, Dr. C. de Radwan of Vienna University, and I have been developing and using this method with great success in this country.

Tuesday, September 8, 2009


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Now question is what this real immortal light is. The human aura is real immortal light. Aura keeps the body alive, gives life to body with first breath and on death it leaves body. Therefore it is essential to keep the aura in good condition. The rainbow has seven colours -collectively called VIBGYOR.
The aura being a light of human body also contains seven colours. If all these seven colours are mixed, it will be white. The aura is often called pranic life force or subtle energy.
The different colours of aura come form different subtle centers-called chakras.
Sometimes we fall down while dreaming; often our subtle body temporarily separates from our body; if the subtle body suddenly drops back into our physical body, we might wake up with a shock when two bodies reunite. If this description sounds familiar then we have experienced subtle body firsthand.
The gross body is made up of food, sleep, exercise while the subtle body is made up of light, thought and pranic energy. The nourishment means of subtle body are also different than gross body. It needs spiritual foods like prayer, meditation, positive thinking etc.
Health and healing of mind, body, spirit and soul is truly a life long quest for most of us.
Let us begin by demystifying what is an aura. Aura is basically a circle of light around the human body. Not only human body but every substance in the Universe has an aura. The auras of minerals, plants, and animals as well as our physical bodies, have unique and special characteristics.
Everyone is surrounded by an electromagnetic field, and this field or radiation is called an aura.
a field of energy surrounds us all. It is a life force emanating from the body. Such points are called "chakras" in Hindu teachings. Sensitives say they can tell a person’s emotional, mental and spiritual state from the colours of the aura. Aura is basically an inner level description of a person.In the basic form, the aura embodies seven energy layers, which are powered through seven major energy centers called chakras.
The chakras are energized by the storehouse of vital energy, otherwise known as the Kundalini which is located at the base of the spine. Life energy should flow naturally up the spine with that energy radiating out each chakra and exiting through the crown chakra. The aura surrounds the physical body in all directions. It is three-dimensional, and in a healthy person is oval in shape. In the average individual, it will extend nine to ten feet around the body. The shape, size, colors, and the clarity of colors, all indicate specific things about ones physical, emotional, mental and spiritual well-being.
Colour is a property of light. When light is broken down into different wavelengths, we see an array of different colours. It is similar to holding a prism up to the sunlight. It will display a rainbow on an opposite surface.
Those seven colours of the rainbow are only a small fraction of the light spectrum. There are a multitude of shades and variances of each colour, that is why we have so many colours and variations in our auras.
The energy of the aura reflects itself in light and colour. The colour, its clarity, and its location, are all things that must be considered when viewing or sensing the human aura. Determining the colours is the easy part. Interpreting and understanding these colours is the difficult and most important part of reading and interpreting the aura.
Different colours reflect different attitudes, moods and energy patterns. Although it is possible to identify generally what certain colours reflect, one must keep in mind that there are many shades within a particular colour's spectrum. If we have ever shopped for paint colours, we know there are many shades of each colour. Understanding the significance of those shades takes time and

Aura colors change frequently depending on our emotions, physical activity, health, etc.
1. White –Purity, when soul has perfect balance, self mastery, oneness with higher self, positivism-infinite light, spiritual; highly evolved spiritually; motivated, white incorporates the qualities of all other colors, genuine spiritual masters, pure energy, pearly white indicates kindness, gentleness, forgiveness. Whereas dirty white indicates serious disease, lack of mental
and physical harmony, may also be seen just before death;
2. Violet –Divine realism, mystical with strong psychic abilities, unifying, enchanted, charming, deep spiritual understanding and high spiritual energy that can transmute lower energies, mundane concerns to heavenly harmony, inspiration, high spiritual attainment, sensitivity to subtle energies, spiritual enlightenment. As ultraviolet light destroys bacteria healers can heal the ill. Whereas muddy violet gives fanaticism, self hatred, fantasy, nonconformity, unfaithfulness, mental instability, unawareness of spirituality;
3. Indigo- Intuition, high spiritual attainment, self discipline, searching for a cause or a spiritual experience, higher perception, intuition, ESP, divine wisdom, visionary ability, idealistic ambitions but if muddy then fanaticism, religious fervor, overbearing, confusion,
forgetfulness, inefficiency, introversion, non-discipline,
4. Blue –anyone set in a right direction, depth of feeling, peaceful, content, love, affection, communication, fulfilling the highest ideals of unity, for seekers on the spiritual path. Sky blue shows genuine spirituality, light blue shows less maturity but sincere desire to make efforts in a right direction. Bluish gray shows religious shadowed by fear and misgiving while deep blue black
crude, superstitious beliefs. Muddy blue gives fear, laziness, melancholy, self pity, intolerance,
despondency, dependency on past;
5. Green – harmony, colour of healing and most empathetic healers. Also endurance,perseverance, persistence, and high self– esteem, ambitious with a tenacity to achieve, love to nature, new beginning, tranquil home life, attunement with divine will, helpfulness, loving service, mercy, adaptability, higher awareness, tolerance, prosperity etc. But muddy green gives envy, jealousy, rigidity, inflexibility, stubbornness, insecurity, deceit, mistrust etc. qualities;
6. Yellow-intellect, ability or desire to control others, mindintellectual, sunny, exhilarated, mental, powerful, expectant, tenacious, scientific inventions, healers with yellow can calm frazzled nerves and balance, clear thinking, vision, logic, reason, patience, acceptance, creativity, flexibility, efficiency, organizing, problem solving etc. But muddy yellow gives fear, bitterness,
greed, regret, unknown fear, confusion, weak will, timidity,
headache, isolation, egotism etc;
7. Orange - power, creative, artistic, expressive, also fullness of experience and the urge to achieve results or success, creativity, motivation, inspiration,
courage, leadership, tactfulness, willpower, friendliness, humanitarianism etc. Muddy indifference, laziness, fear to failure, lack of self confidence, forcefulness, selfish pride, pretense, suspicious,
superficiality etc; and
8. Red – vitality of body-physical, pure life force, clear red indicates healthy blood, force of will, deepest passion whether love or hatred, vitality, desire, materialism, physical activity, egotism, excitability, anger, intensity of experience, living life in the fast lane and fighting for convictions. Rose red means love for family or country. Dark red means lust, motivated by self indulgent greed, selfishness, hurriedness, selfish affection, high temper, nervousness, domination etc. Muddy anger, hatred, frustration, greed, cruelty, rage, defiance, vengeance, violence, destruction, sensuality, unbridled sexual lust, blood lust etc.
Pink colour is perfect balance between spiritual (purple) and material (red) life. Unconditional love, kindness, sympathy, charity, artistic nature, cheerfulness,
Coral (muddy pink) represents immaturity and often seen in children. In adults unhappiness in the circumstances, selfishness, conditional love, insecurity etc.
Gold colour represents wisdom, pure love for knowledge, spiritual masters, inspiring, well-being. But muddy golden represents fear, timidity, indecisiveness, dependency, hiding qualities.
Brightness adds a positive, healthy attitude and energy.
Blackness signifies toxic emotions or illness.
Yellow + Blue creates Green.
Yellow + Red creates orange.
Blue with Green are trustworthy.
Blue purple accomplishmen t through divine power.
White includes all the 7 colours i. e. VIBGYOR.
In most cases, the colours closest to the physical body reflect the person’s physical condition and energies. The outer colours reflect emotional, mental, and spiritual energies that can be affecting those physical colours.
The healthy and balanced aura will appear clear and more pastel in colour. Muddier and thicker colors reflect imbalances, over-activity, and other possible problems in the area to which the colours are connected.
Dark colours that are also bright can indicate high energy levels. This is not necessarily negative. It is important not to make judgments of people based on what is seen in their auras.
What the observer sees and how he/she interprets it can often be based on their state of mind and their own energy levels at the time. Consider the pros and cons of what is associated with that color, along with the specific areas to which it is connected. For example, people often misconstrue the color black in an aura. Black is misunderstood and interpreted as negative or evil, when the true meaning of black is completely different. In most cases, the black in an aura can merely mean that the individual needs protection from a harsh situation. It is common to see black in a person's aura if they are feeling depressed, abused, etc., but not because they are negative or evil; black is present in the aura to protect the individual who has been hurt or abused.
Auras change frequently. The colors closest to ones body can go through many changes in a single day. Every strong emotion or strong physical or mental activity can result in color and light fluctuations in the aura. Our auras can and do change as we go through life as well. As with our physical bodies, our auras can become "ill." Healers who work with energy can scan our energy fields and detect areas where our energy is congested or depleted. They can detect blockages and work to clear out and redistribute energy. Skilled healers can also revitalize our energy by offering life force energy, which is often called prana.

There are many different therapies that work with energy. Many hospitals are starting to use therapeutic Touch, which works on the auric field. Whatever therapy is utilized, energy work is a very powerful healing tool.
AURA PHOTOGRAPHYWith scientific developments, the aura can now be photographed. Aura Photography depicts the energy field around the body. The various colors seen can give us clues to our emotional and physical well-being. As more work is done in this field, it may one day be used for medical diagnosis. Your energy field can be photographed with special "Aura" or "Field" cameras. The recently taken aura photos of me and my son are given below for reference purposes:
In addition to being photographed, the aura can be felt. We often feel other people's auras without even realizing it. Have you ever met anyone and instantly liked or disliked him or her? You were probably picking up signals from this person's energy field. Have you ever noticed that when you're having a "bad day," people steer clear of you? We are constantly putting out vibrations to everyone around us.
The history of aura is extensive – extending back thousands of years. Ancient spiritual tradition of India spoke of a universal source of life. The energy is called prana. This universal energy is the breath of life, which moves through all forms to give one life. Yogis work with this energy through breathing techniques, meditation, and physical exercise to produce altered states of consciousness and longevity. The healing science that became traditional medicine and alternative medicine is slowly becoming the healing sciences. The science and art of medicine that was initially one, and then split in two, are now approaching reunion.
The aura is composed of two aspects that include the energies of one’s subtle body, the main function of these subtle energies is to help coordinate and regulate the soul's activities in the physical life. The first aspect of the aura is to help show us the soul lessons involved in prior (past) lives that are now represented as Universal Lessons to be learned in our present lives. The second aspect of the aura is energy emanations of the human body itself. The human body, (according to modern science) is composed of electrical, magnetic, sound, light, and electro-magnetic energy fields. Some of these energy fields are generated within the body and others are received from outside and then transformed by the body. This occurs through a natural interaction
between one energy field and another. We are capable of absorbing the energies of plants, trees, flowers, animals, other people, and even earth itself.
Click Here For “Introduction to Pranic Healing”
Click Here For "AURA BODY"
Click Here For "Nature of Pranic Healing"
Click Here For “Chakras”
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