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Monday, August 31, 2009


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Cleansing and Energizing
IN PRANIC HEALING, there are two basic principles: cleansing and energizing the patient's bioplasmic body with prana or vital energy. It is by cleansing or removing the diseased bioplasmic matter from the affected chakra and the diseased organ, and by energizing them with sufficient prana or vital energy, that healing is accomplished. These two basic principles are the very foundation of pranic healing.

Pranic healing is accomplished by removing the diseased energy and
by energizing the affected parts with prana or vital energy.

The basic principle of cleansing and energizing is clearly manifested in the body because the body is cleansed by exhaling used-up air or carbon dioxide, and is energized by inhaling fresh air or oxygen. The physical body cleanses itself through its eliminative system, and is energized through proper food. The healer must give equal emphasis to cleansing as well as energizing the bioplasmic body.Cleansing is necessary to remove the devitalized diseased bioplasmic matter in the whole body or in the affected part or parts, and to clear up blocked bioplasmic channels. The health rays are cleansed, combed, and strengthened. It must be noted that the affected part should be thoroughly cleansed before and/or after energizing is done. For more severe cases, the entire bioplasmic body has to be cleansed. Very often, after initial cleansing, the patient should be partially energized to facilitate further cleansing. This is like first sweeping a very dirty floor and then adding soap and water or cleansing chemical to clean and remove the stubborn dirt. The whole process may be repeated over and over again until the bioplasmic body is normalized. Without cleansing, the patient may suffer a radical reaction.
Radical reaction means the drastic steps the body takes in order to correct and normalize its condition. This is usually painful and uncomfortable, and may appear as an initial worsening condition. However, the body gradually improves after this radical reaction. This radical reaction is quite unnecessary and can be avoided.
One such case is that of a patient who suffered from chronic abdominal pain, loose bowel movements and vomiting due to emotional factors.
There was pranic congestion around her abdominal area. Energizing with prana was applied without cleansing the affected part. Although she was relieved, within twenty to thirty minutes the pain, loose bowel movements and vomiting recurred and intensified. These were radical reactions or steps taken by the whole physical body to cleanse and remove the diseased congested bioplasmic matter from itself and to normalize its condition.
Three hours later, cleansing and energizing with prana was applied to her abdominal area and she was completely relieved and cured.
Cleansing is necessary to facilitate the absorption of prana or ki by the affected part. This is similar to pouring fresh coffee into a cup that is already filled with stale coffee, or trying to replace the dirty water inside a sponge by pouring clean water on top of it. This approach is slow and quite wasteful. Fresh prana cannot flow easily into the affected part since the affected part is filled with diseased bioplasmic matter and the bioplasmic channels are blocked. The projected fresh prana is also not fully absorbed by the treated part and because of this there is a strong possibility that the ailment would recur immediately or within a short period of time.
There are several reasons why cleansing should be done before energizing:

1) Cleansing is necessary to facilitate the absorption of prana or ki.
2) Healing takes a longer time without cleansing and more prana is required to heal the patient.
3) A possible radical reaction could be induced if cleansing is not done before or after energizing.
4) Cleansing is necessary to reduce the risk of damaging the finer bioplasmic channels (called meridians or energy centers). In simple cases, cleansing the bioplasmic body and/or the affected
part is usually sufficient to heal the patient. In other cases, the diseased bioplasmic part is so depleted that the healer has to facilitate the healing process by energizing with prana.

There are two very important chakras located at the center of each palm. These chakras are called the left hand chakra and right hand chakra. (See figure). They are usually about one inch in diameter. Some pranic healers have hand chakras as big as two inches or more in diameter.
Although the hand chakras are considered as minor chakras,

Hand and finger chakras.

They have very important functions in pranic healing. It is through the hand chakras that prana is absorbed from the surroundings and projected to the patient.
Both the right and left hand chakras are capable of absorbing and projecting prana or ki. But for right-handed persons, it is easier to absorb through the left hand chakra and project through the right hand chakra and vice versa for left-handed people.
There is a mini chakra in each finger. These chakras are also capable of absorbing and projecting prana. The hand chakras project less concentrated or gentler prana while the finger chakras project more intense or stronger prana. With infants, the aged, and very weak patients, it is advisable to energize them slowly and gently by using the hand chakras.
By stimulating or activating the hand chakras, the hands become sensitized; thereby developing the ability to feel subtler matter and to scan the different auras. It is through scanning that the healer can locate the diseased areas in the bioplasmic body.

There are basic techniques you will need to learn in order to work with pranic healing. They are:

1) Sensitizing the hands;
2) Scanning the inner aura;
3) Sweeping or cleansing (general and localized);
4) Energizing with prana (Hand Chakras Technique) to draw in prana and to project prana;
5) Stabilizing the projected prana.
All these techniques have been tried and tested. Most of you will be able to produce positive results in just a few sessions by properly following the instructions. It is very important to maintain an open mind and to be persevering. Practice immediately what you have read and try the techniques for at least four sessions.
Since it would take a considerable amount of time to develop the auric sight, you should try to sensitize your hands in order to feel the bioplasmic energy field or the inner aura in order to determine which areas of the patient's bioplasmic body are depleted or congested.
1) Place your hands about three inches apart facing each other. Do not tense, just relax.

2) Concentrate on feeling the center of your palms and simultaneously be aware of your entire hand for about five to ten minutes. At the same time, inhale and exhale slowly and rhythmically. Concentration is facilitated by pressing the centers of your palms with your thumbs before starting. It is by concentrating at the center of the palms that the hand chakras are activated, thereby sensitizing the hands or enabling the hands to feel subtle energy or matter.
Eighty to ninety percent of you will be able to feel a tingling sensation, heat, pressure or rhythmic pulsation between the palms on the first try. It is important to feel the pressure or the rhythmic pulsation.
3) Proceed immediately to scanning after sensitizing your hands.
4) Practice sensitizing your hands for at least two weeks. Your hands
should be more or less permanently sensitized after two weeks of practice.
1) Sensitizing the hands;
2) Scanning the inner aura;
3) Sweeping or cleansing (general and localized);
4) Energizing with prana (Hand Chakras Technique) to draw in prana and to project prana;
5) Stabilizing the projected prana.
All these techniques have been tried and tested. Most of you will be able to produce positive results in just a few sessions by properly following the instructions. It is very important to maintain an open mind and to be persevering. Practice immediately what you have read and try the techniques for at least four sessions.

Since it would take a considerable amount of time to develop the auric sight, you should try to sensitize your hands in order to feel the bioplasmic energy field or the inner aura in order to determine which areas of the patient's bioplasmic body are depleted or congested.
1) Place your hands about three inches apart facing each other. Do not tense, just relax. (See figure )
2) Concentrate on feeling the center of your palms and simultaneously be aware of your entire hand for about five to ten minutes. At the same time, inhale and exhale slowly and rhythmically. Concentration is facilitated by pressing the centers of your palms with your thumbs before starting. It is by concentrating at the center of the palms that the hand chakras are activated, thereby sensitizing the hands or enabling the hands to feel subtle energy or matter.
Eighty to ninety percent of you will be able to feel a tingling sensation, heat, pressure or rhythmic pulsation between the palms on the first try.
It is important to feel the pressure or the rhythmic pulsation.
3) Proceed immediately to scanning after sensitizing your hands.
4) Practice sensitizing your hands for at least two weeks. Your hands should be more or less permanently sensitized after two weeks of practice.
5) Do not be discouraged if you do not feel anything on the first try. Continue your practice, you should be able to feel these subtle sensations on the third or fourth session. It is very important to keep an open mind and to concentrate properly.

In scanning, it is helpful (but not really necessary) to first learn how to feel the size and shape of the outer and health auras before scanning the inner aura. This is to make your hands more sensitive since both the outer and health auras are subtler than the inner aura and also to prove to yourself the existence of the outer and health auras. In healing, we are primarily interested in scanning the inner aura. It is in scanning the inner aura that the trouble spots can be located.
When scanning with your hands, always concentrate at the center of your palms. It is by concentrating at the center of your palms that the hand chakras remain or are further activated; thereby making the hands sensitive to subtle energy or matter. Without doing this you will have
difficulty in scanning.

Scanning the Outer Aura
1) Stand about twelve feet away from the subject with your palms facing the subject and your arms slightly outstretched.
2) Slowly walk toward the subject, simultaneously trying to feel with your sensitized hands the subject's outer aura. Concentrate at the center of your palms when scanning.
3) Stop when you feel heat, a tingling sensation or a slight pressure. You are now feeling the outer aura. Try feeling the size and shape of the outer aura, its width from head to waist, waist to feet, and from front to back. In most cases, it will feel like an inverted egg; the top being wider than the bottom.
4) It is very important that you gradually learn to feel the aura in terms of pressure in order to be more accurate in determining the width of the outer, health, and inner auras.
5) The outer aura is usually about three feet in radius but in some cases it may be more than six feet wide. Some hyperactive children have outer auras as big as nine feet.

Scanning the Health Aura
1) After determining the size and shape of the outer aura, gradually move forward a little, still retaining the earlier position.
2) Stop when you feel the subtle sensations again. These sensations may be slightly more intense. You are now feeling the health aura. Feel the size and shape of the health aura.
The health aura is usually about two feet in width. When someone is sick, his or her health rays droop and are entangled and the health aura decreases in size. Sometimes, the health aura may decrease to twelve inches or less. The health aura of a very healthy and energetic person may be as big as three feet or more. It usually feels like a tapering cylinder, bigger at the top and smaller at the bottom.
Scanning the Inner Aura
1) Proceed to feel the inner aura with one or both hands. Move your hands slowly and slightly back and forth to feel the inner aura. The inner aura is usually about five inches in thickness. Concentrate at the center of your palms when scanning. It is by concentrating at the center of the palms that your hand chakras remain or are further activated; thereby making your hands sensitive to subtle energy or matter.
2) Scan your subject from head to foot and from front to back. Scan the left part and right part. For example, scan the left and right ears, or scan the right and left lungs. When the inner aura of the right part and left part of the body are scanned, they should have about the same thickness.
If one part is bigger or smaller than the other part, then there is something wrong with it. For instance, the ears of a patient were scanned and it was found out that the inner aura of the left ear was about five inches thick, while the inner aura of the right ear was only about two inches thick. The patient, when questioned, revealed that the right ear has been partially deaf for the past seventeen years.
3) Special attention should be given to the spine, to the vital organs, and to the major chakras. In many cases, a portion of the spine is usually either congested or depleted even if the patient does not complain about back problem.
4) In scanning the throat area, the chin should be raised upward in order to get accurate scanning. The inner aura of the chin tends to interfere or camouflage the actual condition of the throat.
5) Scanning of the lungs should be done at the back and at the sides rather than the front in order to get accurate results. The nipples have two mini chakras that tend to interfere in the proper scanning of the lungs. A more advanced technique is to scan the lungs at the front, at the back and at the sides by using two fingers, instead of using the entire hand.
6) Special attention should be given to the solar plexus since many diseases of emotional origin negatively affect the solar plexus chakra.

Interpreting Results
In scanning your patient, you will notice that there are hollows ov protrusions in some areas of the patient's inner aura. When the area is hollow, this is caused by pranic depletion. The affected part is depleted of prana or there is insufficient prana in the affected area. The surrounding fine meridians are partially or severely blocked, preventing fresh prana from other parts to flow freely and vitalize the affected part. In pranic depletion, the affected chakra is depleted and filled with dirty diseased bioplasmic matter. And usually it is partially underactivated.
When the area is protruding, this is caused by pranic congestion or bioplasmic congestion. It means that there is too much prana and bioplasmic matter on the affected area and the surrounding fine meridians are partially or severely blocked. The excess prana and bioplasmic matter cannot flow out freely. This congested prana and bioplasmic matter becomes devitalized
and diseased after a certain period of time since fresh prana cannot flow in freely, or its inflow is greatly reduced and the devitalized matter cannot flow out freely or its outflow is greatly reduced. In pranic congestion, the affected chakra is congested and filled with diseased bioplasmic matter.
Usually it is partially overactivated.
An affected part may have pranic congestion and pranic depletion simultaneously. It means a portion of the affected part is hollow and another portion is protruding. For instance, a liver is congested or protruding on the left portion and is hollow or depleted on the right portion.
Another example is that a portion of the left heart is congested or protruding and a portion of the right heart is severely depleted.
The smaller the inner aura, the more severe is the pranic depletion. The bigger the protrusion of the inner aura, the more congested is the affected part. The smaller or bigger the inner aura of the diseased part, the more severe the sickness.
Students should note that an area may have a temporary pranic surplus in which case there is nothing wrong with it. For instance, a person who has been sitting down for a long time may have a big protrusion of the inner aura around the buttocks area when scanned. Since the surrounding
meridians are not blocked, the condition normalizes after a short period of time. Or, an area may have temporary pranic reduction, in which case there is also nothing wrong with it. An altercation that has just occurred is likely to cause a temporary pranic reduction around the solar plexus. After a few hours of rest, the condition will normalize. Habitual altercation or anger may cause pranic depletion around the solar plexus which results in abdominal ailments and possibly heart disease.
The physical condition of the patient should be carefully observed and the patient should be thoroughly questioned or interviewed before jumping to any conclusion. As stated earlier, diseases manifest first on the bioplasmic body before manifesting on the visible physical body. There are cases in which there is pranic depletion or pranic congestion in the inner aura of an affected part but medical examination would show a negative result or the part is normal. In this case, the disease has not yet manifested on the visible physical body. Therefore, pranic healing should be applied to the disease before it can manifest physically

Sweeping is generally a cleansing technique. It can also be used for energizing and distributing excess prana. When cleansing is done on thewhole bioplasmic body, it is called general sweeping. Cleansing done on specific parts of the body is called localized sweeping.
The hands are used in sweeping. There are.two hand positions: the cupped-hand position and the spread-finger position. These two hand positions are used alternately. The cupped-hand position is more effective in removing the diseased bioplasmic matter and the spread-finger position is more
effective in combing and disentangling the health rays. General sweeping has been called aura cleansing or combing by some esoteric students.
Sweeping produces the following results:
1) It removes congested and diseased bioplasmic matter. Blocked meridians or bioplasmic channels are cleansed and unclogged. This allows prana from other parts of the body to flow to the affected part, facilitating the healing process.
2) Expelling of toxins, wastes, germs, and dirty bioplasmic matter is greatly facilitated by disentangling and partially strengthening the health rays. The health rays are further strengthened by energizing the whole body with prana.
3) By disentangling and strengthening the health rays, the health aura, which acts as a protective shield, is normalized. This increases one's resistance against infection.
4) Sweeping automatically seals holes in the outer aura through which prana leaks out. Without sealing the holes in the outer aura, the healing process is very slow even if the patient is energized with prana because prana would just simply leak out. This is one of the contributing factors in regression. The disease sometimes comes back in a few minutes or hours after the patient has been healed when this sealing is not done.
5) Absorption of prana by the patient is greatly facilitated after sweeping or cleansing.
6) Sweeping is also used to distribute excess prana in a treated area to other parts of the body after it has been energized to prevent possible congestion.
7) Sweeping is used to energize by directing excess prana from the surrounding areas of the body or from a chakra or chakras to the affected part that is low in prana. For instance, a mild form of arthritis of the fingers was cured in minutes just by cleansing the fingers and sweeping or directing the excess prana from the hand chakra to the affected fingers.
8) Radical reaction is reduced or avoided by simply sweeping the patient thoroughly.

Sweeping is a very important pranic healing technique and it is very easy to learn. It cleanses, strengthens, and greatly facilitates the healing process. Many simple illnesses can be healed just by sweeping.

General Sweeping Exercise
General sweeping is done with a series of downward sweeping movements only. In downward sweeping, you start from the head and work down to the feet. Upward sweeping movements are not used in cleansing but are used only to reawaken patients who may have fallen asleep or who may have become slightly drowsy. In upward sweeping, you start from the feet and work up to the head. See figure

Figure. General sweeping. By cleansing or removing the diseased energy, circulation of vital energy, or prana, is enhanced, thereby increasing the rate of healing.1) Cup your hands and place them six inches above the head of the patient.
Do not unnecessarily touch the patient. Maintain a distance of about two inches between the patient's body and your hands.
2) With your hands still cupped, sweep your hands slowly downward from the head to the feet following line #1 as shown in figure
Slightly raise your hands and strongly flick them downward to throw away the dirty diseased bioplasmic matter. This is very important to avoid recontaminating the patient with the diseased bioplasmic matter; and also to avoid contaminating yourself, which would result not only as pain in your fingers, hands, and palms, but may result in the weakening of your body and/or illness similar to that of the patient.
3) Repeat the process discussed in procedure 2 (above) with spread-finger position instead of the cupped-hand position. This is to disentangle and strengthen the health rays. This is called combing.
4) Repeat the whole process in procedures 2 and 3 on lines 2, 3, 4, and 5 as shown in figure 8.
5) Apply downward sweeping on the back of the patient by following procedures 2, 3, and 4.
6) It is very important to concentrate and to form an intention to remove the diseased bioplasmic matter. Without this, the sweeping process becomes less effective and more time-consuming. It is the intention or the application of the will with the aid of the hands that the diseased bioplasmic
matter is thoroughly and quickly removed. With regular practice, you can apply sweeping with great ease and with minimum effort.
7) After the downward sweeping, some patients may become sleepy. You may apply a few upward sweeping movements to reawaken or make the patient more alert. There is no need to flick your hands after the upward sweeping. Upward sweeping is not a cleansing technique, but a technique to reawaken the patient. It should be applied only after the patient has been relatively cleansed. Warning: Upward sweeping before applying the downward sweeping may result in the diseased bioplasmic matter going to or getting stuck in the head area, which may have negative physical effects.
1) Cup your hands and place them six inches above the head of the patient.
Do not unnecessarily touch the patient. Maintain a distance of about two
inches between the patient's body and your hands
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We will study four levels of pranic healing, moving from simple to more complicated concepts, and from easy to difficult techniques. As you study the material make sure you are comfortable with the first level before moving to the next.

Level One: Elementary Pranic Healing'. At this level, the concepts and techniques are easy to learn. Tactile concentration is required. It takes about three to five sessions to learn the basic principles and techniques and to be able to do simple pranic healing. About one to two months of
regular practice and application are necessary to become proficient.

Level Two: Intermediate Pranic Healing: This level is still easy. Pranic breathing is used at this level. The major chakras are explained fully. Visual concentration is still not required. It takes about three to five sessions to learn the basic principles and techniques to be able to start healing more difficult cases. To become proficient, it takes about two months of regular practice and application.

Level Three: Distant Pranic Healing: This level involves a gradual development of one's psychic faculty. It may take at least several months to several years of regular practice and application to become very accurate in diagnosis and to produce specific accurate predetermined results.

Level Four: Advanced Pranic Healing: Visualization is definitely required. A more thorough knowledge of the nature of disease and the properties of the different types of prana is required.


There are several books you should read to help you with your study: The Etheric Double by A. E. Powell. (The Theosophical Publishing House, Quest Books. Wheaton, IL, 1969.) Essentially, this book is a treatise on the etheric body and etheric phenomena. Its contents are largely based on the writings of Madame Blavatsky, C. W. Leadbeater, and Annie Besant.
These highly developed clairvoyants conducted clairvoyant researches andexperiments. They recorded their observations and conclusions in theirwritings from 1897-1923.
The following is a summation of main points relevant to the studyof pranic healing that are discussed in this book:
1) The whole physical body is actually composed of two bodies: thevisible physical body and the invisible etheric body which is made up of finer substances called etheric matter. This etheric body corresponds to what is now called the bioplasmic body.
2) The etheric body is the vehicle of prana or ki.
3) The etheric body has many nadis or etheric channels through which prana or ki flows. These etheric channels are the equivalent of the meridians or bioplasmic channels.
4) The etheric body is the mold or pattern of the visible physical body.
5) The etheric body has several chakras or etheric whirling centers which absorb, digest, and distribute prana and is responsible for the proper functioning of the whole body.
6) Some chakras are psychic faculty centers or the sites of our psychic faculties.
7) Prana can be obtained from sunlight, air, and trees.
8) The visible physical body and its etheric body are so closely interrelated that what affects one also affects the other. Healing is brought about by removing the diseased etheric matter from the patient's etheric body and by transferring or projecting prana from the healer's etheric body to that of the patient's etheric body.
9) A strong health aura acts as a protective shield against germs and infection.
10) People whose limbs have been amputated sometimes complain that they still feel the limb in place. The reason for this is that the etheric counterpart or the etheric mold is still intact. It should be noted that the existence of the etheric body and other important points mentioned in the preceding items were later verified or rediscovered by Russian scientists. Students should also read Psychic DiscoveriesBehind the Iron Curtain by Sheila Ostrander and Lynn Schroeder
(Englewood Cliffs N.J.: Prentice Hall, 1970. Bantam edition 1971). This book describes the extensive scientific investigations on psychic phenomena being conducted in the Soviet Union. Many of the findings merely reconfirm what has been known by esoteric students since the ancient times. All references are made to the Bantam edition. The following is a summation of points students should consider:
1) In 1939, Semyon Davidovich Kirlian and his wife developed kirlian photography based on a high frequency electric field which is used to take pictures of a portion of the invisible energy body or the bioplasmic body (Chap. 16, pp. 202-206).
2) Based on the studies of the Kirlians, it has been observed that disease first manifests on the bioplasmic body before it appears on the visible physical body (Chap. 16, pp. 207-210).
3) At the highly respected Kirov State University in Alma-Ata, a group of biologists, biochemists and biophysicists declared that the bioplasmic body is not merely some sort of plasma-like constellation of ionized, excited electrons, protons and possibly some other particle, but is a whole unified organism in itself which acts as a unit that gives off its own electromagnetic fields (Chap. 17, p. 217).
4) Emotions, states of mind, and thoughts affect the bioplasmic body (Chap. 16, p. 209).
5) Based on the findings of the State University of Kazakhstan, the energy body has a specific organizing pattern that determines the form of the organism. For instance, Dr. Alexander Studitsky at the Institute of Animal Morphology in Moscow minced up muscle tissue and packed it into a wound in a rat's body. An entirely new muscle was grown. From this they concluded that there is some sort of organizing pattern (Chap.17, p. 218).
6) If a person loses a finger or an arm, he or she still retains the bioplasmic finger or arm so that sometimes he or she feels that it is still there (Chap.17, p. 216).
7) Dr. Mikhail Kuzmich Gaikin, a Leningrad scientist, confirmed the existence of bioplasmic channels and centers that correspond to the meridians and the acupuncture points described in the ancient Chinese medicine (Chap. 18, pp. 226-229). With the aid of the tobiscope, he accurately
pinpointed the location of the acupuncture points. Later, a young physicist, Victor Adamenko, invented an improved version of the tobiscope and called it the CCAP—Conductivity of the Channels of Acupuncture Points which not only locates acupuncture points but also numerically
graphs reactions and changes in the bioplasmic body (Chap. 18, p. 232).
8) The acupuncture points correspond to the bright spots in the bioplasmic body (Chap. 18, p. 226).
9) The Russians also seriously considered the possibility of stimulating certain points in the bioplasmic body to activate latent psychic abilities (Chap. 18, pp. 231-233).
10) Researches done on Russian psychic healers indicate that psychic healing involves a transfer of energy from the bioplasmic body of the healer to the bioplasmic body of his patient (Chap. 18, p. 224).
The Chakras by C. W. Leadbeater (The Theosophical Publishing House, Adyar, Madras, 1927) is another book that deals with the different types of prana once air prana has been digested by the chakras. It also discusses the negative effects of alcohol, drugs, and tobacco on the etheric body. It contains ten colored illustrations of the chakras based on the clairvoyant observations of Mr. Leadbeater. Theories of the Chakras: Bridge to Higher Consciousness by Hiroshi Motoyama (The Theosophical Publishing House, Wheaton, IL, 1981) contains a discussion of the scientific experiments and personal experience of Dr. Hiroshi Motoyama on the chakras. It also gives instructions on how to activate the chakras. The Chinese acupuncture meridians are compared with the Indian nadis. This book is quite interesting and very informative.
You should also read Esoteric Healing by Alice Bailey (Lucis Publishing Company. NY, 1953) and The Aura by W. J. Kilner, 1911. This book was published by Samuel Weiser, Inc. (York Beach, ME, 1976) but it is now out of print. You may be able to find a copy in a second hand bookshop.
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Click Here For "AURA BODY"
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Click here for Level One:Elementary Pranic Healing

Wednesday, August 19, 2009


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THE BIOPLASMIC BODY interpenetrates the visible physical body and extends beyond it by four to five inches. This invisible luminous energy field which follows the contour of the visible physical body is called the inner aura. (See'figure A ) In The Human Aura, Kilner writes:

The idea of a human aura, a radiating luminous cloud surrounding the body, is an ancient one. Sacred images from the early Egypt, India, Greece, and Rome used this convention before it became so popular in Christian art, and before the aura was considered an attribute of ordinary everyday mortals. . . . For centuries it has been believed that clairvoyant people could actually see an aura surrounding ordinary individuals, and this aura differed from person to person in color and character, expressing the health, emotional and spiritual attributes of the subject. The visionary Swedenborg wrote in his Spiritual Diary: There is a spiritual sphere surrounding everyone as well as a natural and corporeal one.

2W. J. Kilner, The Human Aura (York Beach, ME: Samuel Weiser, 1976).

PRANIC HEALING is based on the overall structure of the human body.
The physical body is actually composed of two parts: the visible physical body, and the unseen or invisible energy body called the bioplasmic body.
The visible physical body is that part of the human body that we see, touch, and are most acquainted with. The bioplasmic body is that invisible luminous energy body which interpenetrates the visible physical body and extends beyond it by four or five inches.

Auras of the Bioplasmic Body

The outer and inner auras are shown in (A); the health aura and its health rays are shown in (B).
When the bioplasmic body becomes sick, it may be caused partially by general or localized depletion of prana in the bioplasmic body. This is called pranic depletion. The inner aura of the affected part is reduced to about two inches or less. For example, persons with nearsightedness usually have pranic depletion around the eye areas. The inner aura around the eye area may be smaller than two inches. However, there are cases in which an eye may suffer pranic depletion and congestion simultaneously. The more severe the sickness, the smaller is the affected inner aura. I have seen cases in which the affected inner aura had been reduced to half an inch or less. You can learn to feel the inner auras with your palms in two to four sessions by following the instructions .
Feeling the auras is called scanning.

Sickness may also be caused by prolonged excess prana in localized areas. This is called pranic congestion. The affected areas may protrude to about seven inches or more. In more severe cases, the affected inner aura may protrude to two-and-a-half feet or more. For instance, a person suffering from heart enlargement has pranic congestion around the heart, left shoulder, and upper left arm. The affected areas may protrude to about one foot in thickness.
In pranic depletion and congestion, the surrounding fine meridians or bioplasmic channels are partially or severely blocked. This means prana cannot flow freely in and out around the affected area. Clairvoyantly, these affected areas are seen as light to dark gray in color. If the affected areas are inflamed, then they appear as muddy red; with some cancer cases, they appear as muddy yellow; with appendicitis, as muddy green; and with some cases of ear problems, as muddy orange.
The bioplasmic rays project perpendicularly from the surface of the physical body. These rays are called health rays and they interpenetrate the inner aura. The sum of these health rays is called the health aura. (See figure ) The health aura follows the contour of the visible physical body

Drooping and entangled health rays of a sick person

and functions as a protective force field that shields the whole body from germs and diseased bioplasmic matter in the surroundings. Toxins, wastes, germs, and diseased bioplasmic matter are expelled by the health rays predominantly through the pores. If a person is weakened, the health rays droop and are partially entangled. (See above figure.)
Then the whole body becomes susceptible to infection. The capacity of the health rays to expel toxins, wastes, germs, and diseased bioplasmic matter is also greatly diminished. Healing is facilitated by strengthening and disentangling the health rays.
Beyond the health aura is another luminous energy field called the outer aura. (See above figure A.) It interpenetrates the inner and health auras and usually extends about three feet away from the visible physical body.
It is usually multicolored and shaped like an inverted egg. Its colors are influenced by the physical, emotional, and mental states of the person.
Clairvoyantly, it is observed that some sick people have holes in their outer auras through which prana leaks out. Therefore, the outer aura can be considered as a force field which contains or prevents the leaking out of pranic energy. In a sense, it acts as a container or bottle for the subtle


Both the bioplasmic body and the visible physical body are so closely related that what affects one affects the other and vice versa. For instance, if the bioplasmic throat is weakened then it may manifest on the visible physical body as a cough, cold, sore throat, tonsilitis or other throat related
problems. Should a person accidentally slash his or her skin, there is a corresponding pranic leak in the area where there is bleeding. Initially, the affected area where there is a cut or sprain would become temporarily brighter due to pranic leak but would inevitably become grayish due to pranic depletion. If any part of the bioplasmic body is weakened due to either pranic congestion or depletion, the visible physical counterpartwould either malfunction or become susceptible to infection. For example, a depleted solar plexus and liver may manifest as jaundice or hepatitis.
From these examples, it becomes quite clear that the bioplasmic body and the visible physical body affect each other. By healing the bioplasmic body, the visible physical body gets healed in the process. By regularly cleansing and energizing with prana, nearsighted eyes gradually improve
and heal. A person with heart enlargement can be relieved in one or two sessions by simply decongesting the affected heart, shoulder, and upper left arm areas. Complete cure would take at least several months. By decongesting and energizing the head area, headaches can be removed in
a few minutes.
Through clairvoyant observation, disease can be seen in the bioplasmic body even before it manifests itself on the visible physical body. Nonclairvoyants may scan or feel that the inner aura of the affected part is either smaller or bigger than usual. For instance, before a person suffers from colds and cough, the bioplasmic throat and lungs are pranically depleted and can be clairvoyantly observed as grayish. These areas, when scanned, can be felt as hollows in the inner aura. A person who is about to suffer from jaundice can be clairvoyantly observed as having grayishness over the solar plexus and the liver areas. Physical tests or diagnosis will show the patient as normal or healthy. Unless the patient is treated, the disease will inevitably manifest on the visible physical body.
For example, I had a patient who was a habitual drinker. Based on scanning, his solar plexus chakra (energy center) was depleted, a part of the liver was depleted and a part of the liver was congested. I told the patient that he had a liver problem and that it should be treated as soon as possible. The patient had a blood test and the medical finding showed that his liver was all right. As a result, he was hesitant to be treated. After several months, the patient suffered severe pain in the liver area and the medical finding showed that he had hepatitis. The disease must be treated before it manifests on the visible physical body. The emphasis is on prevention.
It is a lot easier and faster to heal the disease when it is still in the bioplasmic body and has not yet manifested on the visible physical body. Manifestation of the disease can also be prevented by taking proper medication. In cases where the disease has manifested, healing should be applied as early as possible. The earlier pranic healing is applied, the faster is the rate of healing. Healing becomes more difficult if the disease has fully developed since it takes more time and more pranic energy. It is important that the disease must be treated as early as possible to ensure speedy recovery.

How to Interpret Your Aura Colors?

If you would like to know about aura colors and their meaning, you are in the right place.

The colors reveal a person's character and also the emotional, mental, spiritual and physiological truths.

Maybe you are surrounded by bright blue, pastel orange or dark brown? But what do the aura colors mean?

Interested to find out?

Aura Colors Interpretation

Blue Composed, relaxed, maternal, attentive, communication, tranquil, caring, mournful and separation
Brown Unspiritual, unsettled, anxiety, nervous, and distracted by issues related to the past
Gray Depressed, pessimistic, negative, and pent up frustration
Green Intelligent, direct, a natural healer, quick thinker, close to nature, frustration, losses, a doer.
Orange Creative, inspiring, compassionate, source of inspiration, manipulative nature
Purple/Violet Protected and dominated by pure and radiant love, spiritual, telepathy, victimization
Pink Spiritual, intuitive, psychic abilities, protection from abuse, indecisive
Red Physical, materialistic, passionate, easily excited, an emphasis on the body, and intense emotion, power
Sulfur Color Discomfort, pain, irritation, and festering anger
Turquoise Full of energy, a natural leader, and organized
White Innocence, purity, and spirituality; or serious illness or altered state due to artificial substances.
Yellow Joyful, playful, and blissful, immunity and protection, impatient fear.

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Clich Here For “Nature Of Pranic Healing”
Click Here For “Chakras”
Click Here to Learn Pranic Healing
Click here for Level One:Elementary Pranic Healing


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2.Nature of Pranic Healing

PRANIC HEALING is based on the overall structure of the human body.
The physical body is actually composed of two parts: the visible physical body, and the unseen or invisible energy body called the bioplasmic body.
The visible physical body is that part of the human body that we see, touch, and are most acquainted with. The bioplasmic body is that invisible luminous energy body which interpenetrates the visible physical body and extends beyond it by four or five inches. Traditionally, clairvoyants call this energy body the etheric body or etheric double.
Pranic healing is an ancient science and art of healing that utilizes prana or ki or vital energy to heal the whole physical body. See figure

Pranic healing involves the transference of vital energy (ki or prana)
to the patient.
It also involves the manipulation of ki and bioplasmic matter of die patient's body. It has also been invariably called psychic healing, magnetic healing, faith healing, ki healing, vitalic healing, and the laying
on of hands.


Prana or ki is that vital energy or life force which keeps the body alive and healthy. In Greek, it is called pneuma, in Polynesian, rnana, The healer projects prana or vital energy or the breath of life to the patient; thereby, healing the patient. It is through this process that so called miraculous healing is accomplished.
Basically, there are three major sources of prana: solar prana, air prana, and ground prana. Solar prana is prana from sunlight. It invigorates the whole body and promotes good health. Solar prana can be obtained by exposure to sunlight or sunbathing and by drinking water that has been exposed to sunlight. Prolonged exposure or too much solar prana will harm the whole physical body since it is quite potent.
Prana contained in the air is called air prana or air vitality globule. Air prana is absorbed by the lungs through breathing and is also absorbed directly by the energy centers of the bioplasmic body. These energy centers are called chakras. More air prana can be absorbed by deep slow rhythmic breathing than by short shallow breathing. It can also be absorbed through the pores of the skin by people who have undergone certain training.
Prana contained in the ground is called ground prana or ground vitality globule. This is absorbed through the soles of the feet. This is done automatically and unconsciously. Walking barefooted increases the amount of ground prana absorbed by the body. One can learn to consciously draw in more ground prana to increase vitality, capacity to do more work, and ability to think more clearly.
Water absorbs prana from sunlight, air and the ground. Plants and trees absorb prana from sunlight, air, water, and ground. People and animals obtain prana from sunlight, air, ground, water, and food (fresh food contains more prana than preserved food).
Prana can also be projected to another person for healing. People with a lot of excess prana tend to make those around them feel better and livelier. However, people who are depleted tend to unconsciously absorb prana from others. This is why you may have encountered people who
tend to make you feel tired or drained for no apparent reason.
Certain trees (such as pine trees or old and gigantic healthy trees) exude a lot of excess prana. Tired or sick people benefit much by lying down or resting underneath these trees. Better results can be obtained by verbally requesting the being of the tree to help the sick person get well.
Anyone can learn to consciously absorb prana from these trees through the palms, so that the body would tingle and become numb due to the tremendous amount of prana absorbed. This skill can be acquired after only a few sessions of practice.
Certain areas or places tend to have more prana than others. Some of these highly energized areas tend to become healing centers.
During bad weather conditions, many people get sick, not only because of the changes in temperature, but also because of the decrease in solar and air prana (vital energy). Thus, a lot of people feel mentally and physically sluggish or become susceptible to infectious diseases. This can be counteracted by consciously absorbing prana or ki from the air and the ground. It is clairvoyantly observed that there is more prana during daytime than at night. Prana drops to a very low level at about three or four in the morning.

Clairvoyants, with the use of their psychic faculties, have observed that every person is surrounded and interpenetrated by a luminous energy body called the bioplasmic body. Just like the visible physical body, it has a head, two eyes, two arms, etc. In other words, the bioplasmic body looks like the visible physical body. This is why clairvoyants call it the etheric double or etheric body.
The word bioplasmic comes from bio which means life and plasma which is the fourth state of matter, the first three being solid, liquid, and gas. Plasma is ionized gas or gas with positive and negative charged particles.
This is not the same as blood plasma. Bioplasmic body means a living energy body made up of invisible subtle matter or etheric matter.
Science, with the use of kirlian photography, has rediscovered the bioplasmic body. With the aid of kirlian photography, scientists have been able to study, observe, and take pictures of small bioplasmic articles like bioplasmic fingers, leaves, etc. It is through the bioplasmic body that prana or vital energy is absorbed and distributed throughout the whole physical body.


Just as the visible physical body has blood vessels through which the blood flows, the bioplasmic body has fine invisible bioplasmic channels or meridians through which ki and bioplasmic matter flow to be distributed all over the body. There are several major bioplasmic channels and thousands of minor ones. In yoga, they call these the major and minor nadis. Through these channels flow prana or ki that nourishes and invigorates the whole body


Acupuncture is an ancient Chinese form of medicine which uses needles to manipulate the vital energy within the patient's body; thereby, curing the patient's ailment. This is accomplished by using needles to redistribute excess prana or ki in the patient's body to the afflicted part. Congested prana in the diseased part is redistributed to other parts of the body.
Blocked meridians or bioplasmic channels are cleansed or opened by directing ki to the blocked meridian.
In acupressure or in reflexology, the principle is the same as in acupuncture, except that the healer intentionally or unintentionally uses his or her own excess prana. This excess prana is directed toward the acupressure point which then goes to the meridian or bioplasmic channel and then to the afflicted part. Some acupuncturists use and direct their own ki or vital energy to the needle in order to reach the diseased part. This is done especially with patients who are very weak or depleted. I have met acupuncturists and acupressurists who are also masters of Tai Chi. They
are proficient in transferring ki to their patients.


1) It can help parents bring down the temperature of their children suffering from high fever in just a few hours and heal it in a day or two in most cases.

2) It can relieve headaches, gas pains, toothaches, and muscle pains almost immediately in most cases.

3) Cough and cold can usually be cured in a day or two. Loose bowel movements can be healed in a few hours in most cases.

4) Major illnesses, such as eye, liver, kidney, and heart problems can be relieved in a few sessions and healed in a few months in many cases.

5) It increases the rate of healing by three times or more than the normal rate of healing.
All of these assume that the healer has attained a certain degree of proficiency. Any healthy person with average intelligence, an average ability to concentrate, an open but discriminating mind, and a certain degree of persistence can learn pranic healing in a relatively short period. Pranic healing is easier than learning piano or painting. It is as easy as learning to drive. Its basic principles and techniques can be learned in a few sessions. Like driving, to achieve a certain degree of proficiency requires much practice and time.

A time will come when science will make tremendous advances, not
because of better instruments for discovering and measuring things,
but because a few people will have at their command great spiritual
powers, which at the present are seldom used. Within a few centuries,
the art of spiritual healing will be increasingly developed and universally

—Gustaf Stromberg
Man, Mind, and the Universe

Click Here For "Introduction to Pranic Healing"
Click Here For "AURA BODY"
Click Here For "Nature of Pranic Healing"
Click Here For “Chakras”
Click Here to Learn Pranic Healing
Click here for Level One:Elementary Pranic Healing